F Iltered Case Study Header

Helping companies find the best engineering talent

Filtered is a new kind of hiring company that helps recruiting teams find and asses the best technical candidates, free of bias. We developed a brand communications strategy to relaunch this growing company and give them the tools they needed to position themselves as leaders in their field.

UX, Branding, Design
  Filtered Home new

Simplified hiring for complex skills

Filtered helps recruiters find top talent by providing virtual interview tools, anti-fraud technology, and a user-friendly interface. Though powered by AI, the core of the experience is still heavily based on human interaction. In that regard, it was important to build an identity system that captured not only the nuances of the technology, but also the warmth and approachability at the heart of Filtered.

  Filtered Live Map

Using illustration to speak a common language

One of the hallmarks of our new design system was a versatile illustration library, bolstered by bold colors and informative iconography. Using illustration allowed us to distill complicated technical terms into easy-to-understand visual metaphors. This ultimately bridged the gap between recruiters and candidates by employing a common language to quickly explain esoteric engineering concepts.

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Bringing it all together

A key component to the new brand was a new website and digital strategy, designed to connect with a wider audience and clearly articulate the value behind Filtered’s comprehensive product and service offering. Anchored by foundational research, user interviews, and strong UX, the redesigned website is a key component in the company’s plan to remain at the forefront of hiring tech.

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