Our services

UX Audit

Pinpointing the source of a problem we're having sometimes feels like being caught in an infinite loop. While each company and product is unique, each faces the same difficult task of defining a clear vision of what (and how much) is wrong with the product experience or the methods used to deliver it.

A UX audit is a process we employ to better understand what areas of opportunity have yet to be uncovered in a product experience. In many cases, you may already have targeted key challenges you’d like to focus on. With fresh eyes, the audit process allows us to articulate a cost-benefit analysis of these known opportunities, discover previously invisible ones, and to provide actionable advice on how to tackle them

The process begins with stakeholder interviews to get an understanding of the business climate and objective of the audit. From this point a research plan is devised to understand the product usage, note observed issues or missteps, and eventually provide recommendations on how to address the identified issues.

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